
By using this Site and the different services we do provide, this includes requests made through our Site or any type of communications with Creatrust Advisory, you are agreeing to be bound to our terms and conditions (version 1/9/2021 as amended from time to time).

In respect to the new GDPR regulation implemented on 25th May 2018, we have updated our Privacy Policy Statement and Data Protection Policy which can be downloaded here. By using the website or contacting Creatrust Advisory, you have agreed to these policies.

This information and any of the related documents or materials contained herein, are intended to provide general information on a particular subject non exhaustively treated. They are not intended to constitute any legal or tax advice. Accordingly the use of these materials and of the confirmation contained without a prior written consultation made under the terms of a letter of engagement duly signed by Creatrust Advisory Sàrl is made at your own risk. Any reproduction on part or entirely or any communication to third parties is strictly forbidden, except with the prior consent of Creatrust Advisory Sàrl.

About Intellectual Property Rights: You are not authorised to use Creatrust Advisory documents, presentations or other information given by Creatrust Advisory. Any intellectual property rights or original ideas disclosed by Creatrust Advisory within the context of emails, exchanges, meetings, discussions, conversations, consultations or other means shall remain the exclusive property of Creatrust Advisory and must be kept strictly confidential.

Use by the Company for any purpose other than the above is strictly subject to written agreement from Creatrust Advisory. Partial or previously authorised or tolerated use of the above cannot be considered as an agreement from Creatrust Advisory.

Creatrust Advisory reserves the right to use all or part of the documents, presentations, ideas, projects, strategies or other material within the context of its owns activities, provided that the your name is not mentioned therein.

Creatrust Advisory cannot be held liable for your use of information, consultations, documents or original ideas supplied by Creatrust Advisory if Creatrust Advisory has not validated, supervised and given its written approval for the use of the latter within the scope of the authorisation given in writing by Creatrust Advisory.

If you do not become a customer of Creatrust Advisory, all the media, documents, presentations, logos exchanged/created by Creatrust Advisory for/with you must be completely destroyed and returned to Creatrust Advisory and you are not allowed for using them in any way and in any form in the future.

The editorial content and the presentation of websites, brochures, e-mails, circulars, newsletters, announcements and advice shall remain the property of Creatrust Advisory and are subject to various legislation relating to copyright protection.

About News, brochures and Creavision:

Creatrust Advisory regularly produces publications, in order to extand our contacts and clients’ knowledge on the Luxembourg news and specificities:

A newsletter is also sent to all our contacts on a regular basis, giving information on the latest news on Luxembourg Corporates, Investment Funds and Family Offices, and on our new services.

About Case Studies: Readers of this website should be aware that the case studies related in the website or in our communications may have been modified, may not be real or may have been simply invented to help the readers of this website understanding the basic principles of the legislation and our services and avoiding the disclosure of information which are protected by our professional secrecy.

About Luxembourg Private Foundation: The Luxembourg government issued a draft law on such private foundation in the summer of 2013. But these provisions have not come into effect since the bill has yet to be voted.

Creatrust Advisory Sàrl | VAT : LU22099205 | Matricule: 2005 2425 108 | A.E.: 136001 | RCSL: B110593

Securitisation Process

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