Interested in Tokenization?
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    Tokenization is mainly associated with the process of converting some form of assets into a token that can be issued, transferred, recorded or stored on a blockchain system.

    This process converts the value of any object (tangible or intangible) into a token which can be exchanged along a distributed ledger technology.

    Security token

    This category of tokens consists of assets such as participation in real physical underlying, companies, or earnings streams, or an entitlement to dividends or interest payments. Regarding their economic meaning, the tokens are similar to equities, bonds or derivatives.

    Utility token

    This category provides access to the goods & services that a specific project will launch in the future. Also, they can be used as a type of discount or premium access to the goods & services of the project.


    Cryptocurrencies purpose is to be items of inherent value that are designed to enable sales, purchases, and other financial transactions. They are intended to provide most of the same functions as long-established currencies such as the U.S. dollar, euro and more but do not have the backing of a government or other body.

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      to discuss your investment/project

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